Philadelphia Fish House Punch (Original Version)
The Original Philadelphia Fish House Punch:
- 0.33 pint lemon juice
- 0.75 pound sugar
- 1.00 pint mixture*
- 2.50 pints cold water
For the mixture:
- 0.25 pint real peach brandy
- 0.50 pint cognac
- 0.25 pint Jamaican rum Stir together in a bowl with ice.
People who like cocktails seem to hold punches in high regard. Heck, there is even an entire book dedicated to them.
I’m a fan, and I kind of wish there was a place near me that still carried on the punch tradition. In the earliest days of cocktails you were not likely to get a made to order drink for yourself. Instead, you would be served a drink out of a communal punch bowl. I’ve been to one place, the Rum Club in Portland, that still does that but it is rare.
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